Catch the ‘Aha’ Moment: Snapshot Webinars on 3-Dimensional Learning to Ignite Your Science Classroom!

Quick Take: Are you looking for ways to get your students curious and motivated to engage in science? Join us for one or all of these FREE, exciting "snapshot" webinars to learn about instructional supports, grounded in research, to help move your students' thinking in science from learning about to figuring out!
Student Sensemaking • Equitable Discussions • Universal Design • Innovative Assessments • Making Thinking Visible
New Webinar Series for K-8 Educators - FREE Professional Learning Resources
As part of our dedication to enhancing professional learning and fostering deeper comprehension in STEM subjects, we are thrilled to announce the Snapshot Webinar Series: 3-Dimensional Learning.

Presenter: Rebecca Garelli, Professional Learning Specialist
Our emphasis for these FREE professional learning webinars will be on demonstrating our research-grounded strategies for implementing 3-dimensional learning.
The webinars are designed to provide practical insights into refining teaching techniques and promoting deeper student engagement.
Each session will be an engaging, interactive hour, filled with valuable insights designed to empower teachers with research-grounded strategies to shift students' thinking from learning about science, to figuring out science. We invite all K-8 teachers to join us for one or all of the webinars.
Our Professional Learning Team will be present in each webinar to answer questions and showcase live teaching strategies that you can take back to your classroom!
Join us for one or all of these free snapshot webinars and discover how you can transform science teaching in your classroom and prepare your brilliant students for a phenomenal future!
Access the free resources provided during the live webinar presentations here!
June 30
4PM - 5PM (EST)
Making Thinking Visible
How do we support all students in writing and drawing for sensemaking?
Discover strategies and practices to support students in writing and drawing for sensemaking.
July 28
4PM - 5PM (EST)
Student Sensemaking
How can we reflect on and enhance our current practice?
Take a deeper dive into 3-dimensional teaching and learning using an OpenSciEd lesson to investigate ways to refine your instruction in ways that empower students to figure out the world around them.
August 28
7PM - 8PM (EST)
Equitable Discussions
How do we support equitable sensemaking?
Create classrooms that foster conversations and encourage participation from all students. Explicitly focus on equity, classroom culture, and classroom sensemaking discussions.
September 26
7PM - 8PM (EST)
Innovative Assessments
How do we support and assess students' growth in 3-dimensional learning?
Discover how the assessment system supports student growth and provides multiple ways for students to demonstrate their ability to reason with the three dimensions.
October 23
7PM - 8PM (EST)
Universal Design
How do we enact and modify curriculum to reduce barriers and leverage student resources?
Enhance your understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) through the lens of an OpenSciEd lesson.
About Rebecca Garelli
We're fortunate to have Rebecca Garelli, a seasoned professional educator and science curriculum writer, presenting each webinar.
Rebecca Garelli has been a professional educator for 18 years, focusing much of her career on teaching middle school math, science, and engineering. She has also been a science education consultant since 2009 and freelance science curriculum writer since 2015.
Formerly, she was the Science & STEM Specialist for the Arizona Department of Education from 2019-2023, was a Lead Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Instructional Coach for the NGSS Collaborative in Chicago, and Adjunct Faculty member of DePaul University's STEM Center where she taught graduate-level seminars on the NGSS. Additionally, Rebecca currently writes NGSS Curriculum and Assessments for a variety of projects, and she recently joined the OpenSciEd National Facilitator Team.
Rebecca is also currently serving a 3-year term on the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) Professional Learning in Science Education Committee. Rebecca earned a B.S. in Elementary Education from DePaul University and an M.Ed. in Science Education from Loyola University Chicago.
Did you miss the live webinar presentations?
Don't worry! Get the strategies and resources shared in the previous webinars in the blog post recaps.