
What Makes the Active Physics Curriculum Unique?

The Active Physics curriculum for high school is a full-year, NSF-funded physics program developed for ALL students, with built-in flexibility to be used as a physics first or an upper-level physics course.

Also available as chapter books which are perfect for customized courses, extended day and summer school programs.

Available as a package or
for individual purchase



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On the Activate Learning Digital Platform



Materials & Supplies


Professional Learning


Project-Based Approach

Active Physics embraces the three-dimensional learning of the Next Generation Science Standards throughout the curriculum.


Students Learn Like Scientists and Engineers

Active Physics infuses engineering into the curriculum by introducing the Engineering Design Cycle.

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Total Support
for Teachers

Professional Learning is provided by our team of education experts.

Need more info to decide if this the right curriculum for your district or school?

Active Physics
Curriculum Details

Active Physics is based on the research on how students learn, encapsulated in the 7E Instructional Model (Elicit, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Extend, Evaluate). 

As a result, Active Physics provides ALL students with a deep and memorable learning experience.

  • Chapter Challenges

    Interesting and meaningful Chapter Challenges motivate students to learn and remember the physics content.

  • Active Physics Plus

    Teachers can customize the program using Active Physics Plus in the student edition for students who need and want more mathematics, depth, concepts, or explorations.

  • Project-Based Active Series

    Explore the project-based Active Series for Chemistry, Physics, and Physical Science and our EarthComm Earth and Space System Science curriculum.

  • NGSS Alignment

    Download the program brochure to view the detailed NGSS alignment.

Active Physics Curriculum
Research-Based Design

Active Physics students are motivated to learn.

Students are motivated to learn science in the context of highly engaging and authentic “real-world” projects that guide instruction and serve to organize their learning. Research shows that the project-based approach promotes excitement and meaningful learning for ALL students.

Active Physics students learn like scientists.

The science and engineering practices, as described in A Framework for K-12 Science Education, are integrated throughout the curriculum. Students engage with complex situations and collaborate on what they need to learn in order to manage the situation effectively.

Active Physics is for ALL students.

The Active Physics Plus feature in the student edition allows teachers to customize the program for students who want or need more mathematics, depth, concepts, or explorations.

A comprehensive Teacher’s Edition and Resources provide full support for differentiated instruction with augmentations, accommodations, and suggestions for the English Language Learner.


The Activate Learning Digital Platform (ALDP) hosts the interactive digital edition of the Active Physics teacher and student curriculum materials.

The platform is designed for student accessibility and inclusion and offers embedded translation for over 130 languages and text-to-speech with read-along highlighting in 35 languages.

Featuring an intuitive user experience, teachers have everything they need to Plan, Teach, Assign, and Assess lessons in a platform that is integrated with leading SIS rostering and Learning Management Systems such as Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas.

Active Physics Active Physical Science Digital Platform

About The

Arthur Einsekraft

Dr. Arthur Eisenkraft has taught high school physics for over 28 years. He is currently the Distinguished Professor of Science Education, Professor of Physics and Founding Director of the Center of Science and Math in Context (COSMIC) at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Kind Words from Administrators & Teachers.

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The first thing I noticed was the smiles on students' faces, they were very interested in coming to school and to Physics class. We want kids exploring Project-Based Learning, we want kids getting involved in the application of 21st century skills, and this curriculum gave us easy access to this.

Dan Riley, Asst. Principal

Marlborough STEM Academy

Active Physics was clearly different, and that's what we were hoping to have - something that had that project-based approach to it. Hands on investigations where the kids are in control of what they're doing. There's guidance so they don't go off track too much but they're able to have that flexibility and freedom to go through their own individual activity, as opposed to sitting at a desk, less engaged, just writing the notes. They're up doing the things and making the connections themselves as they go. Students are starting to ask their own questions, "What if we did this"?!

Scott Brown

STEM 9th Grade Physics Teacher

I don't want to be a teacher that stands up and lectures all day. I thoroughly enjoy working hands on with they kids. When they work together, which of course is a huge 21st century skill, that combines many skills and does many things at once, so it's very efficient. I love it. 

Shawna Stea

STEM Language Arts Teacher

The tie-in that we've been able to use with Active Physics, math, and to our engineering classes has just been unbelievably successful. 

Bill Rigney

District STEM Instructional Specialist

Active Physics is an interesting approach, I've never seen anything quite like it. The thing about it that I find interesting is that it touches not only on the logical approach to learning but also a visual approach, and it does encompass a lot of the hands on stuff. So while you have the project-based learning in there, you also have the traditional questions thrown in there, but you also have the group work and hand on stuff, so everyone can learn from a different approach.  

Student Testimonial

Active Physics

Active Physics Overview

Active Physics Student Experiences