Recent STEM News, Research and Resources
Recent STEM News, Research and Resources

Recent STEM News, Research and Resources for Science Educators:
Science Educators! Here's a quick rundown of recent news in the STEM world to share. Subscribe to our Deeper Learning newsletter to receive monthly emails jam-packed with news and updates in the fields of science, technology, engineering, math, and education.
- Kid-edited journal pushes scientists for clear writing on complex topics. Such is the stringent editing process at the online science journal Frontiers for Young Minds, where top scientists, some of them Nobel Prize winners, submit papers on gene-editing, gravitational waves and other topics — to demanding reviewers ages 8 through 15. [read more]
- Don't count on the 'science of math' for your answers; it doesn't exist yet: There are many in education talking about the new “math wars” and calling for a “science of math.” According to this commentary, here’s why that won’t happen. [read more]
- Breaking into the black box of pedagogical authority. How does pedagogical authority operate in the classroom? A team from the University of Geneva and the University of Teacher Education, State of Vaud has produced one of the first in-depth field studies on this subject. [read more]
- The American Mathematics Educator Study: Unraveling the Formula for Equitable and Excellent Mathematics Teaching and Learning. In the RAND Perspective, authors outline the American Mathematics Educator Study, emphasizing equitable math teaching and student opportunities. They conclude with recommendations for enhancing math education policies and practices. [read more]
- Five golden rules for effective science communication: Perspectives from a documentary maker. There’s a growing global movement towards using the science of science communication to build public science engagement efforts on evidence, rather than on a gut feeling. [read more]
- STEM Learning Resources to Prepare for Upcoming Eclipses. Engage students in the upcoming eclipses with NASA’s list of STEM resources, featuring activities, citizen science ventures, and additional content. [read more]
- Sci-fi books are rare in school even though they help kids better understand science. According to research, science fiction can help people think critically about the ethics of science. Why aren’t elementary teachers and librarians using science fiction to engage students in science? [read more]
- TikTok’s Star Teacher: Florida Educator Garners 4 Million Likes with Videos Showing Her Unique Classroom and Life-Skills Lessons. Middle school science teacher Yennifer Castillo finds joy in making her classroom a safe haven not only for herself, but for her students by creating a well-equipped, stimulating and hands-on environment for learning. [read more]
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