A Blueprint for Success: Colonial School District Reimagines Science Education with OpenSciEd and Activate Learning

OpenSciEd Colonial School District Case Study

New Case Study featuring Colonial School District, OpenSciEd, and Activate Learning

Challenge: Pandemic-related declines in student engagement and outdated pedagogical practices.

Solution: Strategic partnership with Activate Learning, including comprehensive OpenSciEd implementation, personalized professional learning, and hands-on support.

Results: Enhanced student engagement and critical thinking through embedded curriculum strategies, bolstered teacher leadership with training, and solidified district-wide collaboration and implementation.

We’re excited to share the remarkable success story of Colonial School District, a Title 1 district in New Castle, Delaware, that overcame unprecedented obstacles to catalyze a cultural shift in science education. Despite the staggering challenges of the pandemic and the struggle to regain footing as schools returned to in-person learning, Colonial remained committed to providing innovative learning experiences for all students. Through a strategic partnership with Activate Learning, they not only met their goals, they exceeded them!

This new in-depth case study details Colonial's strategic partnership with Activate Learning, offering compelling insights into the extensive transformation across classrooms, teacher development, and student outcomes. Get firsthand perspectives from Colonial leaders Kim Mulvena, K-12 Science Instructional Coach who spearheaded the initiative, and Dr. Nick Baker, Supervisor of Curriculum Instruction, on how a unified vision, a standards-aligned curriculum, and teacher empowerment come to life in real classrooms.

Kim Mulvena, Science Instructional Coach K-12 , Colonial School District

Dr. Nick Baker, Supervisor of Curriculum Instruction, Colonial School District













Discover multifaceted perspectives into the curriculum renewal process as the case study explores the following six crucial solutions that fueled Colonial's science education transformation:


Against All Odds: Colonial's Response to Unprecedented Challenges

Partnering with Activate Learning: The Key That Unlocked Colonial's
OpenSciEd Potential

Personalized Professional Learning: Cultivating Teacher Leadership


Activate Learning Digital Platform: A Saving Grace for New and External Teachers


OpenSciEd's Impact Beyond Academics: Fostering Students' Social-Emotional Learning Recovery

From Crisis to Clarity: How the Stars Aligned for Colonial School District
with Activate Learning


At the heart of this transformation was the innovative, NGSS-aligned OpenSciEd middle school science curriculum. Colonial educators observed a significant shift in students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, closely intertwined with their social-emotional learning, which was vital in closing pandemic-related learning gaps. This transformation extended beyond a mere curriculum change; it was a district-wide cultural revolution impacting all stakeholders—from students and teachers to district leaders—and continues to resonate positively throughout the school district.

Another element central to success was the Activate Learning Digital Platform, proving pivotal in consolidating OpenSciEd’s ample resources for streamlined access. This simplified curriculum management while allowing on-demand access to the complete teacher guide, assignments, and student materials. For new and external teachers brought on virtually amidst staff shortages, the platform was dubbed “a saving grace.”

However, a cutting-edge curriculum requires high-caliber support for maximum impact. Here, Activate Learning’s responsive team delivered personalized professional learning for teachers focused on hands-on preparedness, pedagogical best practices, and troubleshooting challenges unique to Colonial. This approach empowered teachers, enabling them to become leaders in the shift towards a more interactive and impactful science curriculum.

This case study is not just a story of change; it’s a blueprint for science education innovation and excellence. Delve into Colonial School District’s story, from challenges to achievements, and discover how a strategic partnership with Activate Learning and implementing OpenSciEd can revolutionize science education!


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OpenSciEd Activate Learning Version CTA


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