Phenomenon-Driven, 3-D Learning
Aligns to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Professional Development
Instructional Design with Teachers in Mind

Scope & Sequence

Activate Learning PRIME (K-5)
A product of UChicago STEM Education, Activate Learning PRIME® is the product of a rigorous iterative development process by an author team comprised of both content and classroom specialists and is designed to be educative for elementary school teachers, as well as for students. The program engages children in learning science by doing science, with a focus on developing discourse and critical thinking skills alongside disciplinary content knowledge and science and engineering practices to help students make sense of engaging hands-on explorations.
IQWST (6-8)
IQWST® (Investigating and Questioning our World through Science and Technology), which transforms adolescents into scientists, was developed over a decade by science education, literacy, and learning science specialists supported by funding from the National Science Foundation. Students investigate questions relevant to their lives by conducting investigations; collecting and analyzing data; developing and using models to explain phenomena, and engaging in argument from evidence, all in a literacy and discourse-rich environment.