Dallas Educators:
Explore Texas IPC
Explore Activate Learning Texas IPC
Dallas Educators, Meet the Texas IPC Curriculum!
Student Centered
Texas IPC engages students in investigations and puts students at the center of the learning. Equipping students with essential 21st century skills that prepare them for their post-high school careers, all while covering 100% of the TEKS standards for IPC.
STEM Chapter Challenges
Interesting and meaningful Chapter Challenges motivate students to learn and remember the physics, chemistry and Earth science content.
Students develop a community of practice and a culture of collaboration and communication. The presentations of the Chapter Challenge provide students with opportunities to engage in scientific arguments using evidence and scientific knowledge and promote a deeper understanding through public practice.
ELPS Alignment and Language Supports
The Texas IPC program includes embedded language supports for Multilingual learners built into our digital platform, and 100% alignment to the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS).
TEKS Alignment
The Texas IPC program reflects the full scope of integrated physical and chemistry science content standards for high school, with 100% alignment to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
We provide the digital platform, books, science kits, and professional learning to make Texas IPC implementation smooth and successful for teachers AND students!
Dallas Educators Digital Demo Access
The Activate Learning Digital Platform (ALDP) hosts the interactive digital edition of the Texas Integrated Physics and Chemistry teacher and student curriculum materials.
The platform is designed for student accessibility and inclusion and offers embedded translation for over 130 languages and text-to-speech with read-along highlighting in 35 languages.
Featuring an intuitive user experience, teachers have everything they need to Plan, Teach, Assign, and Assess lessons in a platform that is integrated with leading SIS rostering and Learning Management Systems such as Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas.
Login to the Activate Learning Digital Platform to experience the interactive digital edition of the Texas IPC curriculum for yourself!
Dallas educators have full demo access to the Activate Learning Texas IPC interactive digital edition until May 15, 2024.
If you have any questions or you'd like to request a quote, please contact us.
Interactive Digital Edition
Teacher Login
Link: https://demoaldp.
Username: stateoftexas_t1
Password: stateoftexas_t1
E-Book Access
Teacher Login
Link: https://ebook.activatelearning.com/login
Username: TX_IPC
Password: 2SI5BlV47?
Interactive Digital Edition
Student Login
Link: https://demoaldp.
Username: stateoftexas_s1
Password: stateoftexas_s1
E-Book Access
Student Login
Link: https://ebook.activatelearning.com/login
Username: TXIPC_Student
Password: 568N!ngE@Q
Digital Platform Integration Videos:
Contact our Support team with any questions about logins or integrations, email support@activatelearning.com.